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Coming Before God

4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. Psalms 100:4

Do we come to God out of routine or our of reverence. Do we go to church and Bible study just beause we have done it all of our lives. The enemy wants us to think of church as another chore to complete. It's more than that! Coming before God praising God is what we are created to do.

As we come before God weather in prayer, witnessing, praising or entering church we are to come to Him with thanksgiving! We should give thanks in all things. It may be cold outside but there are so many things to be thankful for. You may have a lot of bills to pay, but be thankful that you are able to pay them or be thankful that he will may a way. As we come before God, don't think that He owes you anything, don't have the mind set that you have been good and he owes you something. Go to him and be thankful, come to him with a thankful heart. Begin and continue to praise him for the small things in life.

Take a deep breath. Now thank God that you were able to take that breath. Take another and thank Him again. It's that easy!

Be Thankful

Prayer for the Day

Dear God, I thank you for this day. I thank you for every thing that you have given to me. Open my heart and my eyes so that I may be thankful to you in all things. Forgive me for the times I have been selfish and not taken time to thank you. I love you I bless you in everything I do. In Jesus Name!



(770) 307-0374

553 Tanners Bridge Circle, Bethlehem, GA 30620, USA

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